This is my strength. This is my soul.

This was my brother.

Though you are no longer on this earth, I feel you touch my heart and soul each day. I am here for a higher purpose and I hope you will guide me to it. It’s been five years. And it hasn’t been an easy five.

You’d love Joanna, cause just like you she speaks her mind and makes me a strong man.

You 0nce told me, “Stop letting the fuckers get you down.” And I’ve shed a majority of the weak links in my life.

I’ve been strong when I once was weak.  I’ve cried when once I hid my feelings.  Nothing ever changes but yet it did.  I don’t mourn your death, I don’t mourn your loss.  I mourn not hearing your voice.  I mourn not playing golf with you. I mourn talking poker and drinking Irish Whisky with you. I mourn a lot of things.  But I see stars shining and I know you are there.

I miss you Patrick.


Your Big Brother,
