I’m a person who believes in leaving things where they lie. Don’t stir up trouble unless it needs to be stirred up. Recently I was in a restaurant when two people came in to play the game, “I’m better than everyone else.” This is the game where they flaunt their wealth, their knowledge and their ignorance.

From discussing how they “really didn’t need to work, but if they didn’t,” they would spend “all day watching the maid clean,” to how “ignorant people are allowing this country to fall,” to talk about the waitress, “I don’t care about her short hair or her tattoos.” They filled the room with their tripe.

All people could do was stare. “Why don’t you go over there and tell them off,” a friend of mine asked me. My response floored him.

“Why should I go down to their level? They are in a hell of their own choosing. There is a wonderful world out there with people I want to meet, want to help and need my love. These people are hateful gossip mongers that have a sad life to lead, and I don’t need their bile in my life.”

All he could do is stare. Maybe the haters heard what I said, because the shortly left then. I can only help the people who want help and deserve help. Those who are ignorant and hateful…

Screw em.

That’s what I know… being polite because sometimes the truth is a more painful sword.