Circle of Strife

2015 ended with a bang, snow everywhere and the City of Lubbock getting blames for everything: “Why do we have only 2 snow plows?” “Why can’t they plow my streets?” Lubbock, Tx doesn't own a snowplow. #Justsaying #txwx — Peter J. Carr (@CarrforGovofCO) December 30, 2015 “I pay taxes don’t you know…” “We should […]

Sorry Facebook, I vote no.

Today I was asked why my FB photo wasn’t of the French flag, didn’t I care? I care about the following: my family, friends, community, state, country and planet. I care that there are too many sick babies, homeless vets, hungry families, uncured diseases, crumbling infrastructure, and other outrages. I don’t care following people who […]

The 2014 Election meant nothing…

Republican control of the Senate with less than 60 senators means nothing at all to the long term political status for either party.

If the GOP sends bills that the President feels is not in the best interest of his party and the country, Obama will veto. Without 60 GOP senators filibuster dooms any activity the majority wants, just ask Ron Paul and Ted Cruz for their crib notes.