Is that I’m now LESS than one week away from the big trip to Maui.

Tilted away last night when I left the Mookie and tilted off on the Dookie. I found out that something I was waiting for all week long will be cancelled tonight which put me in a foul mood to start, then San Antonio wins and I just figured that I’ve got that Rainy Day Feeling Again…

But I go back to something my grandfather told me when I had one of these trends…

“I love flying, but sometimes I’ve gotten caught up in some bad weather that has forced me to land. Remember when we flew back from Ft. Worth in the Cessna 172? We had to land in Washington D.C. to let that storm pass us. We couldn’t handle the winds and rain. We would have been thrown around. You remember seeing that rainbow after the storm passed, the rainbow that seemed to follow us home to New York? Sometimes Sean, you have to go through the most frightening experiences to get to the silver lining. Let the bad times pass and the rainbow will be shortly thereafter!”

It took a storm this morning to remind me though I don’t have what I want or need. I’m not getting what I deserve. But if I’m patient and let the storm by I can follow the rainbow.

I’ll check back in later.