Tragedy +24 hours

“You can’t conceive, nor can I, the appalling strangeness of the mercy of God,” says Graham Greene. Well I could go on quoting the “Two Cathedrals” scene from the West Wing but it is so true. I cannot in this lifetime comprehend the situations that I have been in these last 24 hours. I can’t […]

I’ll be gone until further notice.

The Darkness. Today was a dark, empirically dark day in my life. Today I curse the big guy once again. I am supposed to be strong and supposed to have faith, today I have neither strength nor faith. I’ll be gone for a couple of days and for the first time in over a year. […]

Radio Light Bulb Jokes

Q: How many Talk Radio sponsors does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Are light bulbs a problem in your home? Does it seem like the government is trying to take away your light bulbs? Are the utilities in your area causing your light bulbs to burn out faster? Don’t be left in the dark! Call now, and receive free, our information kit on the amazing new light bulb alternative that doesn’t depend upon the utilities providing energy! The all-new totally Millennium-compliant light source, “Candles”…