What I see when I look out the window

When I look out the window, I see a world of possibilities. I see an almost empty parking lot that dreams of being full on a Texas Tech football game day. The smells of grilling meat, stale beer and anticipation hanging in the air. The sounds of rowdy Tech fans laughing and debating which player […]

Grey clouds in my heart…

The past is such a fickle thing. It gives you hope for the future and yet reminds you not to forget it or you’ll be doomed to repeat it.

She told me tonight that her next relationship would be not even with a male. Perhaps a female.

It didn’t matter what she said. All I heard was just not you.

We have a limited time on this earth and now I am not chasing, but grasping for experiences and those I would have never chased before. Last year, at this time, I took a gamble, which made me into such a better rounded person. I found new friends, new acquaintances and new people who hate me. Lucky me. For the changes that I have made have opened my eyes to a new world, a new life. For it are the experiences that are priceless, not anything that we can buy or sell.

Dear Patrick,

The bathroom may be almost done being remodelled. The pipe in the garage may be fixed. But it’s not the same. Everytime I’ve played J9o, I think of you. Everytime I see a pickup truck, I think of you. You are everywhere and yet you aren’t here. I miss you more than you will ever […]