Love will always win!

I am an encourager. I spend my time and energies trying to be positive, sending good vibes out into the world. I will tease but never intentionally be negative because negative words never encourage nor ever achieve the goal that were intended by them. This weekend I had two people that I know,try to convince […]

But they said no…

I would love arguing with my late grandfather. He taught me the “greatness” of the Republican Party. “This is the party of Lincoln, son. The party that did great things. Ronald Reagan is the greatest president of all time. You should always consider yourself a Republican.” I always considered myself a moderate though I have […]

Take a look in the mirror…

Each and every one of us knows someone who struggles daily with addiction. But what do we do? Do we give them support or do we walk on?

We don’t look in the mirror. For if we did, we would find an addict looking back at ourselves.

Maybe continued involvement with a substance or activity despite the negative consequences associated with it. Maybe we spend too much time on Facebook , than in front of someone we love. Maybe we spend too much money at the bar, but we “don’t have a problem.” Maybe it’s just a matter of wanting to sit in front of the TV so we don’t have to face our life because it sucks so bad.

My greatest generation is gone.

The Greatest Generation was filled with some of the greatest people that I grew up with and respected, Walter Cronkite, Joe DiMaggio, Charles Shultz, but they all pale to my grandmother. She was a speech pathologist and brought me into some of the greatest stories in my life: Making me stand in front of a […]