Second guessing…

Tonight’s Super Bowl and other issues surrounding my life have me second guessing things that I have done and or haven’t done recently. I’ve had to look at strengths in my life, my backbone, my family in crisis because of the recent hospitalization of the man who’ve I only seen cry four times in 38 […]


He still has to go back to the doctor so they can examine the abcesses on and below the liver.  He still has 6 weeks of Antibiotics, but thank the Big Guy he is FINALLY HOME! I could mention all the people who have prayed, but I know you all had thoughts and wishes that […]

No news…

Dad is in a room now and he is being poked and prodded. He did tell me one story that made me smile.  He told me how the nurse who gave him his catheter used to work at the Mexican food place that my parents used to go to.  So she goes from serving his […]

Life’s Work

Never bet with your heart… Never let anybody see how you are hurt, wearing your heart on your sleeve. Don’t do anything but support your conference during bowl season.  Yeah, we hate Oklahoma but when they are playing the Pac 10 or the Big 10, you hope that they kill em for the good of […]