English: Heart diagram with labels in English....
It’s not about us…
It may not always go my way, I might not understand the road I’m on, but I have to thank everyone who encourages me on the trip. I’m 13 days away from starting an emotional roller coaster that drains every ounce of energy in my body.

I haven’t secret tricks to play, I have nothing that hasn’t been done before by many other teams over the last 15 years. But as the leader of this trailblazing, ass kicking, God fearing, ever loving team of miracle workers even I fall to doubt.

It may be a millisecond that I let fear in my heart, but it is totally destroyed by the love of families that let me into their lives, doctors who share their previous stories and a hospital that has saved my life and the lives of countless others.

So I look to those who have my back now, 5 years ago, 10 years ago and 15 years ago on a ride that I am still on.

Thank you for your love, your support and your determination.

Years ago, I thought I knew what my path was intended to be.

I was wrong.

I wasn’t intended to be a big shot, nor a hero to others. I was merely a man, on a path that to this day confounds me.

I am still not what I want to be, but if you look back on the man I was 15 years ago and now, I have become the man I needed to be for others.

I am not a slave, but a servant.
I am not just a teacher but merely a guide.
I am not the man, but one he counts on.
I am not rich, but I am far from poor.
I don’t live the dream that my father wanted for me but the one that my father help me make.

I am a friend to all and I have never known a stranger.
I am someone that has a smile when you need one.
I am the one who really does care when I ask, “What’s wrong?”

And I have a mission on this Earth.

I won’t be used for others selfish reasons without allowing it.

I will call when you think you are all alone or the one you call when you need someone to listen.

I am ready for challenges, hopes, dreams, ambitions and with my heart open wide I look to you my friends to see what I can do for you. I’ve emptied my heart and my soul to you.

What does your heart tell me?

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