was from my six year old son today when he called and asked ” Daddy, can you help me with my walk. I’ll walk and you pay me and I give it to kids.”

I immediately knew that he was doing the charity walk for school.

And it made me feel good that he was learning about giving to others before taking.

I’m really proud of you Ryan.

And Shelby, trying to hit me up for more than Ryan gets you a gold star.

I have a big Friday blog that I will post later but we (Joanna and I) are off to try and hook up one of my friends Kerri, with one of her friends (Toby).  Hope it works.

BTW got my first D-A-S from Philly. I wish I could have gone, but the toe is not cooperating.  I think I may go see the doc tomorrow or Monday.

One thought on “The greatest call ever…

  1. Day ??? But who is counting, the weekend is here and I intend to catch up on my sleep and attempt to remove a stump from my front yard. I wonder what the HOA would say about small amounts of dynomite?
    Sean has a couple of rather long posts in the system from me that tell the whole story, so hopefully you can read those in the near future.

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