Is that a Dingle Berry?

It was the best of times, it was the worst, of times, it was the time that children toiled, it was the adventure to Dingle.  We started at Heuston Station later than usual due to the limited bus/tram/train schedule, which to me seemed stupid.  You have a major holiday and most of the transit workers […]

It Don’t Come Easy

As a father of a Tween and a kid that lives over 1000 miles away from me, it is hard to discuss anything with my kids that I would normally be able to do when they are right in front of me.  I’ve had to have a gentle touch in my discussions. Unfortunately my tween […]

Trip Report Continued…

Dearest Joanna, I’m doing well, been having fun playing poker with the free internet from the hotel, oh , the trip report.  OK, since you asked… We all loaded into the plane to Ireland and my heart started to race as when the call went out that the plane was ready to leave the gate […]

An ongoing trip report…

My Dearest Joanna, The drive to Ft. Worth was easier since I talked to you a majority of the ride.  I finally fell asleep at 3:30 in the morning and I miss your smell and your touch. When I woke up this morning I was filled with excitement and dread. Excitement for I am about […]

To those in the hole…

I know times are tough, but as long as you have familty that loves you and good friends, nothing else matters. Be tough and remember that the only thing that hold you back is you yourself. I learned that yesterday.  I’ve alwyas thought of myself as a small cog, something that can be replaced with […]