Love will always win!

I am an encourager. I spend my time and energies trying to be positive, sending good vibes out into the world. I will tease but never intentionally be negative because negative words never encourage nor ever achieve the goal that were intended by them. This weekend I had two people that I know,try to convince […]

Read or the turtle gets it.

The joy of being middle management is always fun in both Jo’s and my world. We spend many a moment slapping our heads and going, “Really?” But I digress, as since the recession has hit, my family and friends of mine I’m very fortunate to have a job. So let’s talk about proper etiquette. No […]

“Well, I expect…” FICTION

Anthony looked at the end of the bed. As he stared as his cold bare feet he knew that his live-in maid/ on and off girlfriend had somehow screwed with the blanket.

It isn’t easy being 6′ 10 and he usually can’t have a bed with a foot board at the end. Some hotels (especially Lisbon) he would find himself hanging off the bed. But then again, this is his story…

“Honey, don’t you understand I don’t ask for much from you,” she started.

“Expected what which time dear,” I asked wishing that I could find the aspirin. My head was hurting and I took one of those headache powders. I could down these damn things like they were my ex to white powder.

To those in the hole…

I know times are tough, but as long as you have familty that loves you and good friends, nothing else matters. Be tough and remember that the only thing that hold you back is you yourself. I learned that yesterday.  I’ve alwyas thought of myself as a small cog, something that can be replaced with […]


One of my childhood heroes was Mark Holtz.  When I moved down to Texas, one of the many times I did, I was amazed by listening to the both the Mavericks and the Rangers with legend.  He opened every Ranger baseball broadcast with “It’s Baseball time in TEXAS!” I’d used to be taken on a […]