“Why yes Keegan, didn’t you know? All dogs…

When I was young, I was taught about heaven & hell. The nuns took their rulers to my knuckles many times during my formative years. But one day I asked, because I was bored and did not want to talk about the seven deadly sins, “If there a heaven for you and me, is there one for my dog or will he be in his own heaven?”

This question then turned into a fight with the cat owners telling the dog owners that all of their animals were going to hell while their animals were going to heaven.

Keegan Left Aengus Right

Dear Lubbock Area Vet,

God knows how I miss Dr. J even more today. Everyone in Lubbock with a pet knew the legend of Dr J. But she is gone and I had to move to another vet. This afternoon Keegan started to bleed and we took him to the vet after Joanna all morning had called to try and talk to the vet. His first words wasn’t, “Lets fix Keegan,” or “What would you like to do?” but “Let’s me first talk about communicati…”

Moving the line through a $1.50 soda

We all need to move our goal lines daily. We should work to get closer to our goals each day, then move the overall goal further away. We will achieve the short term goals, but without a long term goal to motivate us, we will be jogging in place at a finish line which has lost complete meaning due to time. We need to escape the circle track of life that constrains us to arbitrary boundaries forcing us to stay within the lines. We all know the limitations we have. But you will never achieve any goal if you do not believe you will do it.

Circle of Strife

2015 ended with a bang, snow everywhere and the City of Lubbock getting blames for everything: “Why do we have only 2 snow plows?” https://twitter.com/RyWinslow/status/682549412099452928 “Why can’t they plow my streets?” Lubbock, Tx doesn't own a snowplow. #Justsaying #txwx — Peter J. (Pete) Carr (@CarrforGovofCO) December 30, 2015 “I pay taxes don’t you know…” “We […]